Managing Out-of-Office Approval Processes in Dynamics 365

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Managing Out-of-Office Approval Processes in Dynamics 365

Approval processes are an essential review mechanism for many organisations.

They maintain alignment with internal policies and regulations, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

In commercial scenarios, proposals and marketing emails may be subject to an approval check before they are distributed to protect an organisation’s reputation. Internal legal requirements could also mandate checks for contracts and agreements to verify their validity.

But what happens when approving personnel are absent?

The Challenge of Out-of-Office Statuses and Approval Requests

Even the most efficient approval processes can unravel if an approver is absent or unavailable due to a holiday or sickness.

Their absence can quickly disrupt crucial business processes and result in workflow blockages.

When critical approvers are away, a backlog of documents and decisions can pile up as an organisation’s smooth-running machinery grinds to a halt.

This underscores the need for approval workflows that flexibly respond to absences.

A solution that easily adapts to absences by automatically re-routing approval requests will ensure uninterrupted operation and contribute to organisational resilience.

Discover how ServerSys uses the capabilities of Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Power Platform to address this challenge.

Managing Approval Workflows with Dynamics 365

Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform offer a range of tools to support comprehensive approval management.

For instance, Power Automate distributes requests. This saves valuable time by reducing manual operations and ensures steady operational continuity.

As a Microsoft Partner, we bring expertise to configure bespoke approval processes, which include out-of-office rules.

Let’s illustrate.

Imagine a scenario where an approver is scheduled to be on holiday. Using our solution, they can quickly set a rule that will delegate approval requests to a designated person while they are away.

Similarly, suppose an approver is absent due to illness. In that case, an administrator could apply an out-of-office rule that redirects their inbound approval requests to another person.

In both scenarios, the delegated approver can receive a notification when this schedule is applied.

Out of Office Schedule record in Dynamics 365 to reassign approvals

If appropriate, this process can also be set to pick up any pending tasks currently with the absent approver by reassigning these to the delegated user.

Each reassigned approval request is automatically recorded on the corresponding record to maintain a transparent timeline of activity.

Dynamics 365 log detailing approval reassign triggered by out of office rules

Distributing Approval Requests

Approvals don’t have to wait until someone returns to their email.

They can take place where your team already collaborates. With Power Automate, we’ve made it even easier by integrating approval notifications within Microsoft Teams.

This alerts default or delegated approvers to check and respond to pending approvals right where they operate, maintaining communication.

By taking advantage of Power Automate’s capabilities and integrating Microsoft Teams, approval requests are dispatched swiftly to avoid unnecessary delays.

Approval request from Dynamics 365 sent to an approver in Microsoft Teams

Next Steps…

Adapting to out-of-office scenarios is an essential capability for agile organisations. This flexibility and resilience for approval management can be delivered by Dynamics 365 with expertise from ServerSys.

Our ready-made solution streamlines approval processes by effectively handling situations where approvers are unavailable.

Please get in touch with us today to learn more and explore how this solution could work for your organisation.

January 5, 2024

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Warren Butler - ServerSys Insights and Resources Author for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. He brings over 20 years of experience covering business transformation, CRM and Microsoft Dynamics to help organisations grow by embracing technology.

Warren Butler

Warren is the director of marketing at ServerSys. He brings over 20 years of experience covering business transformation, CRM and Microsoft Dynamics to help organisations grow by embracing technology.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at

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