How to Amplify Member Engagement Using Modern Web Portals

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How to Amplify Member Engagement Using Modern Web Portals

In the realm of membership management, you’re tasked with a perpetual juggling act. Between updating member profiles, managing subscriptions, handling enquiries, and endeavouring to drive engagement levels, these admin responsibilities consume valuable time.

This affects operational efficiency and distracts from the critical task of building stronger relationships.

But imagine there’s a way to simplify these tasks and channel your energy into what truly matters – your members.

This is precisely where modern self-service web portals perform their magic. Utilising cutting-edge Microsoft technology, we develop portals to minimise repetitive tasks, elevating operational efficiency so you can dedicate more time and resources to nurturing member relationships.

Whether your organisation is a non-profit, trade association, or another membership-based entity, this post highlights how portals allow members to manage their experience more efficiently.

Introducing Modern Membership Portals

Welcome to the world of modern self-service web portals – your gateway to delivering personalised, enriching experiences that empower your members.

Imagine providing a platform where your members engage with your services at their pace, no matter the hour.

By placing control in their hands, you create an enriching, personalised user experience that deepens their affinity and trust with your brand. And this is merely the beginning.

Not only do these portals make mundane tasks a breeze, but they also tap into your CRM’s data power, crafting tailored experiences that feel unique to each member. The possibilities extend beyond basic functionalities, stimulating a connection between your organisation and its members.

Modern portals serve as a catalyst for transformative journeys. They help streamline operations, enrich member experiences, and create a strong sense of belonging that can bring a community together.

The result is an inflexion point that leads to accelerated growth and sustained loyalty.

Transforming member experiences

The paramount importance of retaining members lies in providing convenient, personalised solutions that engage and resonate with your audiences.

Web portals achieve this by streamlining user interactions and offering seamless access to information, redefining the member experience.

One crucial aspect these portals tackle is the speed and ease of completing routine tasks. Members can swiftly update their profile or upgrade a subscription, reducing dependency on service teams.

Our web portals offer robust search functionalities, a vital capability for members seeking answers.

Integrating cutting-edge AI technology, such as Microsoft Copilot, enhances chat and search capabilities – quickly delivering personalised, contextual responses.

Aside from chat and search, we also implement portals that provide tailored content feeds, manage event registrations, and provide personalised notifications.

Members stay informed and engaged, all within a unified digital platform, resulting in higher satisfaction and greater long-term loyalty.

Modernising Operations with Microsoft-based Membership Portals

At ServerSys, we understand membership organisations need to continuously evolve and streamline operations.

We develop Microsoft-based membership portals crafted to meet this need, acting as a springboard for operational modernisation and digital transformation.

We can use Microsoft Power Pages to quickly deploy engaging, process-driven websites that integrate seamlessly with Dynamics 365.

With Power Pages, we swiftly deploy secure, low-code websites that adjust and scale to your organisation’s growth.

We also harness the capabilities of Microsoft Azure to provide bespoke portal solutions for membership organisations requiring a higher degree of customisation.

These custom portals offer unmatched flexibility and scalability, allowing you to create a unique digital environment that aligns perfectly with your operational strategy and brand identity.

Integrating these portals with your CRM data is a pivotal aspect of our offering. Such integration connects the dots between case management processes, elevating the management of member services to new heights. It allows for a seamless flow of information between your web portal and CRM, ensuring that every member interaction is personalised, tracked, and analysed to enhance the service provided.

We provide embedded portal knowledge resources through integrated SharePoint that empower members to find information efficiently and independently. This self-sufficiency is deepened through secure Copilot AI-assisted chat features, delivering instantaneous and contextually aware support using your trusted resources.

Orchestration between your portal, CRM, and third-party applications, such as payment providers, is seamlessly handled through Power Automate. This robust automation tool streamlines workflows, eliminating the friction points that can slow down operations, thus maintaining the flow of your business operations without disruption.

These connected technologies ensure a leap forward in how you can operate and engage with your members.

8 Steps to Implement a Membership Portal

Planning steps visualisation

1. Define Your Vision

Establish clear objectives for what you want to achieve with your website. Consider what functionalities (from data management to member access) will be valuable to your members and organisation. Let ServerSys architect your journey towards those goals.

2. Engage with a Partner

Connect with ServerSys to map your vision and connect the dots. Our experts will guide you towards aligning the right technology, whether a low code Microsoft Power Pages website or a highly customised Azure-based portal for unique needs.

3. Plan Your Integration

Consider the architecture of your existing CRM systems, like Dynamics 365. We’ll help you plan a seamless integration that connects your self-service portal with your operational backbone, ensuring personalisation and a single source of truth.

4. Customise Member-Centric Experiences

Personalise the user experience to reflect your brand and meet your members’ needs. ServerSys will assist you by tailoring interfaces, workflows, and functionalities that resonate with users and encourage self-service.

5. Automate and Streamline

Introduce intelligent automation into your processes with tools like Power Automate. We’ll equip you to create intuitive workflows connecting your portal, CRM and third-party services to boost efficiency.

6. Through Evaluation for Success

Before launch, we employ rigorous testing procedures to ensure a smooth portal launch. This includes testing every feature and functionality that aligns with your objectives and works seamlessly, providing a polished and reliable product.

7. Launch and Learn

Watch your member portal take flight, with ServerSys providing post-launch support. Our team remains accessible for technical assistance and consultation, helping you refine and extend the portal’s capabilities based on member feedback and your evolving needs.

8. Evaluate and Innovate

With the foundation in place, our team will guide you in exploring additional functionalities, from AI-assisted chat to integrated feedback capture. This allows you to continually optimise member experiences and reinforce the portal’s positive impact.

Membership Portal Case Studies

Cycling UK

Facing disjointed data and complex member interactions, Cycling UK engaged ServerSys. Our solution revolutionised its digital presence, leading to a notable decrease in support queries and event sign-ups. Our portal both streamlined processes and efficiently enhanced user engagement. Read the case study

cycling uk logo

Junior Offshore Group

Challenged by outdated systems, JOG partnered with ServerSys for an operational overhaul. By deploying a modern portal, the result was a boost in membership renewals, a significant reduction in administrative burden and a growing, vibrant membership community. Read the complete case study

cycling logo

Moving Forward with ServerSys

Break free from the shackles of inefficiency that constrain your business’s potential. Embark on a journey of empowerment with a transformational membership portal from ServerSys.

Experience the strength of a partnership where innovation is not just a buzzword but a steadfast commitment.

Together, we’ll confront your challenges, transforming pain points into pivot points for streamlined processes and interactions that resonate with your community.

Embrace not just an upgrade but a renaissance in how you operate. A self-service web portal can be the linchpin in your strategic evolution, driving efficiency and empowering members with every click, every interaction, every moment.

Ready to make the leap? Reach out to ServerSys today. Our portal experts will guide and partner with you to deliver a bespoke website to realise your vision.

Related: Digital Strategies for Enhanced Member Retention

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is a typical membership portal implementation timeline?

The typical project timeline to implement a membership portal can range from 3 weeks to 3 months, depending on the complexity and customisation needs.

The planning and discovery phase, where requirements are gathered and architecture designed, usually takes 1-3 weeks. Building out core portal infrastructure and integrations can then take another 2-6 weeks based on factors like design templates chosen and the API capabilities of any billing or other third-party data sources. Allowing time for iterative rounds of user testing and fixes, most custom Microsoft portals are ready for launch within 12 weeks from kickoff. Power Pages sites can typically be deployed even faster due to their streamlined configuration model.

What options are available for integrating payment gateways and recurring billing systems?

We implement membership portals to flexibly connect with leading payment providers like Stripe and PayPal. Out-of-the-box connectors make it easy to embed and pass member signup data into the billing systems to trigger subscriptions, and invoices and facilitate online payments within the portal experience. For proprietary payment platforms, custom APIs and webhooks can also integrate into the portal flows. Billing mechanisms can handle one-time, installment-based or subscription-driven payment options covering all common membership monetisation requirements.

What maintenance and support is required for membership portals?

Once launched, membership portals do require some ongoing support and maintenance, but at a relatively minimal level compared to other custom platforms.

Because they leverage Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure, the underlying operations and security are managed by its enterprise-grade network. From the client side, basic tasks involve monitoring usage metrics, managing content updates, and periodically testing links or integrating any additional third-party services.

Beyond that, having a portal expert on retainer, such as ServerSys, to assist with occasional troubleshooting, feature additions, or architectural changes is advised. But overall, the maintenance overhead is streamlined thanks to the cloud delivery model and managed infrastructure.

February 6, 2024

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Warren Butler - ServerSys Insights and Resources Author for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. He brings over 20 years of experience covering business transformation, CRM and Microsoft Dynamics to help organisations grow by embracing technology.

Warren Butler

Warren is the director of marketing at ServerSys. He brings over 20 years of experience covering business transformation, CRM and Microsoft Dynamics to help organisations grow by embracing technology.

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