How Dynamics 365 Helps You Reduce Environment Impact and Improve ESG Performance

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How Dynamics 365 Helps You Reduce Environment Impact and Improve ESG Performance

With climate change an existential threat, most organisations strive to adapt their operations to reduce environmental impact. Innovating through technology is an effective way to make these changes and achieve sustainability goals.

By optimising processes, enabling paperless communication, facilitating remote collaboration, centralising data and generating sustainability reports, Dynamics 365 aligns profitability with eco-consciousness.

This empowers all organisations to walk the talk on climate commitments while getting ahead of looming regulations.

As pressures mount and scrutiny rises, use Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Cloud Platform to embed sustainability into the fabric of your business.

These future-proof solutions will allow you to lead by example and seize opportunities as stakeholder expectations shift regarding environmental, social and governance (ESG) priorities.

Read on to discover how Dynamics 365 can help your organisation’s green transformation take root.

Optimise Business Processes for Eco-Efficiency

Dynamics can help your organisation optimise processes in an eco-friendly manner through workflow automation, unified data, and AI capabilities.

By streamlining workflows, documents, and forms, paper-based tasks can be digitised to remove waste.

Data and processes from legacy systems can also be consolidated for consistency, providing a “single source of truth” that cuts resource duplication. This saves cumulatively on printing, storage, data reconciliation, and human efforts.

Additionally, Dynamics enables rules to be set for automated systems. For example, recurring jobs like batch imports can run as needed rather than in real-time or hourly, thereby limiting unnecessary processing cycles.

Sustainable gains accumulate across optimised workflows, lean data, and smart automation.

Engage Customers in Environmentally Friendly Ways

Dynamics helps organisations to engage clients through sustainable channels like self-service portals and chatbots.

Providing an online knowledge base, intelligent bots, and community forums lowers the environmental impact of high-touch servicing through 24/7 options.

Additionally, service coordination of field operations, such as technician dispatching, can be optimised to limit travel and fuel costs. Using schedule optimisation and location-based services, organisations can time the dispatching of nearby engineers to in eco-friendly ways. This will also boost satisfaction through reduced wait times.

Scalable capabilities help organisations delight customers through personalised digital engagement while minimising the carbon footprint of servicing interactions.

Gain Insights and Visibility on ESG and Sustainability Metrics

Dynamics 365 delivers integrated analytics and business intelligence capabilities through native Power BI integration.

Covering any data stored in Dynamics can support comprehensive reporting on KPIs across ESG factors.

Its customisable data model captures relevant sustainability metrics alongside core sales, service and marketing information.

Interactive BI dashboards help visualise trends on key metrics. These can include emissions reduction, renewable energy adoption, resource usage, waste production, and related ESG data.

Stakeholders ranging from sustainability managers to external auditors and regulators can gain on-demand visibility into environmental performance.

This transparency through Dynamics 365 and Power BI will help drive accountability to make continued headway on ESG commitments. These clear measures enable data-driven decisions on iterating initiatives for further improvement.

Enable Efficient Data Storage

Dynamics 365 in the Azure cloud enables organisations to manage their data footprint for leaner, greener operations actively.

By consolidating legacy data stores, older records that cannot be deleted for compliance reasons can be identified and efficiently maintained in lower-cost Azure capacity pools.

Intelligent data retention policies preserve only active interactions within the Dynamics 365 cloud database while archiving legacy records, which can still be accessed if needed.

As a result, this helps minimise the amount of storage capacity required. Additionally, as data volumes grow, Dynamics 365 and Azure provide various options to match cost to performance needs based on how often data is accessed. This saves cumulatively on data centre energy demands and cloud infrastructure expenses to benefit sustainability KPIs.

Innovate with sustainability-centric low-code apps

The Microsoft Power Platform provides Dynamics 365 customers with low-code customisation and extension capabilities to rapidly advance sustainability-focused initiatives.

For specialised scenarios and challenges, Power Apps facilitates quick development and deployment of custom apps that run on any device to increase efficiency and align with ESG targets.

Together, Dynamics and the Power Platform empower rapid innovation of high-impact solutions that embed sustainability into the heart of operations and processes.

Unlocking future opportunities

Climate concerns are calling for organisations to act.

Dynamics 365 equips businesses to optimise processes, engage responsibly, and gain insights on sustainability KPIs. And the Power Platform enables organisations to innovate faster to achieve meaningful and measurable progress across ESG commitments.

The Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability offers additional capabilities and resources to accelerate your sustainability and ESG transformation further.

October 18, 2023

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Daniel Norris - ServerSys Insights and Resources Author for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform

Daniel Norris

Daniel Norris is the communications manager for ServerSys. His role is to bring you the latest updates, tips, news and guides on Dynamics 365.

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