A Strategic Guide to Selecting a Dynamics 365 CRM Managed Services Partner

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A Strategic Guide to Selecting a Dynamics 365 CRM Managed Services Partner

Selecting a Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM managed services partner is a decision that can shape your growth trajectory.

This isn’t a simple choice. It’s a strategic decision that will influence how effectively your organisation uses Dynamics, transforming routine management into meaningful customer engagement.

Use this guide to identify what separates an exceptional partner from the rest – ensuring your path to growth with Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Power Platform.

What makes a reliable CRM managed services partner?

The cornerstone elements of a reliable partner centre around their depth of expertise and commitment to service.

An effective managed services partner not only provides detailed Dynamics knowledge but also supports robust change management processes, empowering your team’s adoption of new tools and processes.

Consider expertise. A proficient partner shares insights demonstrating their specialisation across Dynamics 365 applications and the Microsoft Platform. They’ll be aware of your broader business processes, enabling them to anticipate the implications of each decision on your system.

For instance, they should intuitively understand whether a proposed change will impact an existing automation or integration. They’ll take a holistic view of your requirements rather than focusing on narrow definitions.

On the service front, a committed partner will have a sound understanding of your needs, preventing the frustration of repeatedly stating your requirements.

The presence of stable support and consultancy teams saves time and makes conversations more productive by using their in-depth understanding of your unique Dynamics 365 configuration.

By maintaining consistency in their support and consultancy team, they ensure continuity and preserve customer knowledge, becoming an active player in your CRM and Dynamics journey.

As such a partner, ServerSys blends deep product expertise with dedicated service, ensuring our clients CRM strategies evolve with business growth and change.

Questions for Prospective Dynamics 365 Managed Services Partners

When selecting a Dynamics 365 managed services partner, it’s important to explore the depth of their offerings and how well they can cater to your needs.

Here are some questions which can help you assess prospective providers:

  • Who will be our main point of contact? Is it a technical expert who understands our business needs?
  • Will we have the continuity of engaging with the same people?
  • Can they propose solutions based on this knowledge?
  • How do you manage the inclusive time in your plans, and how do you schedule these hours?
  • Will any unused time roll over, or are hours lost?
  • Will we be updated regularly on service utilisation and our remaining service hours?
  • What is the minimum contract length? Do you offer any short trial periods or break clauses for new customers?

By asking these questions, you can uncover how a partner’s service approach, their technical competence, and flexibility aligns with your goals.

Comparing CRM Managed Services Models

Choosing the right managed services model can profoundly impact the outcome of the results you achieve with Dynamics 365.

Often, this will be a choice between a service that responds as problems occur or one that closely works alongside you.

With a reactive managed service, the partner tends to be a reliable trouble-shooter. This type of managed service primarily operates on resolving and responding to issues as and when they arise to ensure the smooth operation of a Dynamics 365 system.

With a reactive subscription, services are consumed on-demand, so the partner may not be aware of your current plans and strategic goals.

While this managed services model fits most needs well, it might not be the best option if you want hands-on guidance and active support.

In contrast, a collaborative approach, such as our Engage managed service, takes a proactive stance.

These plans involve an ongoing commitment to working hand in hand to realise increasing value from Dynamics and the Microsoft Platform.

The agreements are built on regular reviews to assess progress, discuss new requirements, share ideas and agree on priorities.

Through these interactions, a proactive partner can fully contribute to optimising workflows and strategic CRM decision-making that paves the way for continuous improvements.

It evolves beyond just reacting to issues. It’s about unlocking value from every bit of your technology investment to accomplish your goals.

The choice between these models hinges upon multiple factors. These could include your team’s Dynamics expertise, your in-house capacity and budget.

If you are seeking not only a support provider but also a strategic partner, then it is likely that a proactive service will provide an engagement plan best aligned with your goals.

Signs You Need to Switch Dynamics 365 Support Partner

Several indicators can help you assess your relationship with your Dynamics partner.

The first sign might be feeling stuck, constantly putting out fires but not making progress.

Limited customisation, integration, and strategic decision-making support may signal a misalignment of your expectations with the provider’s service delivery.

Inadequate understanding of your business, frustrations in having to explain repeatedly, or the lack of a consistent point of contact can mean you’re not getting the tailored approach you need.

Also, if Dynamics 365 updates are delayed or response times slow, it could disrupt workflows and hinder productivity.

Collectively, these signs could indicate a need to explore a new partnership.

At ServerSys, we offer the dedication and expertise to drive your Dynamics 365 success. Explore our case studies to see examples of the outcomes we help organisations achieve.

How the Right Partner Can Transform Your Dynamics 365 Experience

Choosing the right Dynamics 365 managed services partner isn’t just about resolving issues – it’s also about effectively managing change and driving growth.

A supportive partner like ServerSys will understand your unique requirements, prioritise system optimisation and regularly update you about the ever-changing developments across the Microsoft Cloud.

We will tap into the heart of your operation through frequent engagement and user empowerment.

Simply put, the right partner doesn’t just perform a service. They undertake the digital transformation journey alongside you – unlocking the potential of Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft platform for future success.

If you are looking for a different approach for your Dynamics 365 system that values understanding and partnership, please get in touch with ServerSys today.

January 30, 2024

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Warren Butler - ServerSys Insights and Resources Author for Dynamics 365 and Power Platform. He brings over 20 years of experience covering business transformation, CRM and Microsoft Dynamics to help organisations grow by embracing technology.

Warren Butler

Warren is the director of marketing at ServerSys. He brings over 20 years of experience covering business transformation, CRM and Microsoft Dynamics to help organisations grow by embracing technology.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at hello@serversys.com

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